US Department of Defense
Advancing Blast Injury Research to Protect and Heal Those Who Serve

About the MHS Blast Injury Prevention Standards Recommendation (BIPSR) Process

An MHS Blast Injury Prevention Standard is a biomedically valid description of the physiologically or biomedically based injury and performance responses of a human.

The mission of the BIRCO is to support the Executive Agent's responsibilities and functions related to medical research for the prevention, mitigation, and treatment of blast injuries. Read more...

Understanding the blast environment, and the injury risks to which Service Members are exposed, is critical to the end-goal of providing the best protection to avoid injury and the best treatments should injuries occur. This knowledge aids commanders and medical personnel in decision making, informs equipment design, and guides protection technology and research investments. The EA is responsible for recommending blast injury prevention standards to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (ASD(HA)), the authority that reviews and approves DoD standards.

To support this key EA responsibility, the BIRCO developed the Military Health System (MHS) Blast Injury Prevention Standards Recommendation (BIPSR) Process – the DoD's first unbiased, inclusive, stakeholder-driven process designed to identify and assess the suitability and applicability of existing candidate standards and to recommend standards that meet DoD Stakeholder needs with a suitable level of validity, rigor, precision, and confidence. Candidate standards include injury thresholds, human injury probability curves, and injury prediction tools needed to generate the information for informed trade-off and risk acceptance decisions by appropriate decision makers in the research, development, testing, and evaluation (RDT&E), medical, materiel development (MATDEV), and operational Stakeholder communities across the DoD Components. These standards support weapon system health hazard assessments, combat platform occupant survivability assessments, and protection system development and performance testing.


Candidate Standards

BIPSR Prevention Standards

If you are a BIPSR Process Stakeholder, please contact BIRCO for more information.

Last modified: 12-Sep-2024