US Department of Defense
Advancing Blast Injury Research to Protect and Heal Those Who Serve

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Induces Time - and Sex-Dependent Cerebrovascular Dysfunction and Stroke Vulnerability

Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) is a well-known condition prevalent with military personnel returning from deployment and is associated with subtle cerebrovascular impairments that persist over time. This animal study was motivated by known increases in susceptibility to strokes in Service members with mTBI. In this study, a standardized mTBI exposure protocol was applied to mice, and a mid-cerebral artery occlusion (simulating a stroke) was applied for 1 hour, at seven (7) or 28 days after blast exposure in the experimental group. The resulting tissue damage to the mouse brain was studied using histological methods to determine the volume of infarcted lesions, the presence of several physiological indicators, and the status of the blood-brain barrier. For more information regarding this article, please read more here…


Bailey Whitehead, Ruth Velazquez-Cruz, Ali Albowaidey, Ning Zhang, Kate Karelina, and Zachary M. Weil. Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Induces Time- and Sex-Dependent Cerebrovascular Dysfunction and Stroke Vulnerability. Journal of Neurotrauma. ahead of print

Last modified: 26-Jan-2023