US Department of Defense
Advancing Blast Injury Research to Protect and Heal Those Who Serve
Each accomplishment adds to the knowledge base for blast injury research and advances the delivery of effective strategies that prevent blast-related injury or allow injured Service Members to return to duty and maintain an active lifestyle.

Reset Accomplishments

Medical research in the area of reset informs evidence-based clinical guidelines for procedures that restore critical function and improve disfigurement. It also forms the basis for rehabilitation programs for blast-related psychological disorders, amputations, disfigurement, and other injuries with long-term effects on quality of life. The Blast Injury Research Program is committed to medical research that yields strategies to reduce recovery time, maximize opportunities for return to duty and/or reintegration into the civilian workforce, and improve the quality of life for Service Members who have experienced blast-related injuries.

FY20 Accomplishments are coming soon.

FY19 Accomplishments from the blast injury research community are featured in the FY19 Report to the Executive Agent (Chapter 7) .

Last modified: 19-Sep-2024